The SpeedQB NCR Hybrid Pouch (NCR-HP) is an add-on utility pouch for your Nucleus Chest Rig. The NCR-HP can be mounted in two configurations: above or below the NCR.
The NCR-HP can be set up as a dangler pouch BELOW your NCR to secure items and gear. It can also be set up ABOVE your NCR to transform your chest rig into a structured, “plate-carrier style” loadout with additional storage.
Dual water-resistant zippers allow for easy access to 2 separate compartments. One compartment has integrated elastic loops to secure small, loose items. Perfect for players who seek additional storage, or for players who prefer the look and feel of a compact plate-carrier loadout.
Large loop velcro panel serves as an area for your favorite patches or accessories.
Not designed to carry real armor plates.